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WftW Compendium 5


First published November 2012 by Louis Meulstee, Ottersum, Holland.

       ISBN 978 90 819271 3 0

nomenclatures with an explanation of the type numbering systems, and connections of plugs, sockets and valve bases. This reprint reproduces the publication as it was originally issued, including all supplements with the amendment changes already carried out.

Preview pages WftW Compendium 5

The table of contents and a number of selected pages from Compendium 5 can be downloaded as pdf's from the Downloads page. Please keep in mind that the printed size of the pages is in A5 format, the original size of the book.

Read the review by Chris Jones, G8GFB, originally published on the website of the Wireless Set No. 19 group Royal Signals.

WftW Compendium 5 cover large. To Compendium 6

WftW Compendium 5 is only available direct from the ‘Print On Demand’ printing company lulu.com via the Internet WftW Bookshop at www.lulu.com/spotlight/wftw

(It is advisable to read ‘Where to obtain the WftW books’)

Wireless for the Warrior  Compendium 5 is a facsimile reprint of ‘Signal Communication Equipment used by Enemy Nations’,  a British  publication providing technical and operational data on captured enemy signal communication equipment originating from Germany, Italy and Japan. It was produced by the Signals Research and Development Establishment (SRDE) in co-operation with MI8 and first issued as a secret document in January 1944. The publication was a result of careful study and examination, based on captured equipment and handbooks, intended as a guide to the reuse of the equipment. At first glance the publication may be considered as the British counterpart of the German ‘Kennblätter fremden Geräts, Heft 13, Nachrichtengerät’ (reprinted in WftW Compendium 3 and 4). However, the individual entries in ‘Signal Communication Equipment used by Enemy Nations’ are far more detailed and accurate.

In addition it provided many practical details such as hints on the operation and maintenance of the sets, glossaries,

Read the review of Compendiums 3-5 by Werner Thote, DL1VHF, (German language) in ‘Funkgeschichte’, Fachmagazine fur Interessierte der Geschichte des Funkwesens, Oct/Nov 2013.

Wireless for the warrior
URL HOMEPAGE www.wftw.nl